Given an m x n board of characters and a list of strings words, return all words on the board. Each word must be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cells, where adjacent cells are horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once in a word.
/*** @param {character[][]} board* @param {string[]} words* @return {string[]}*/// O(M(4*3^L-1)) time where M is number of cells on board, L is max length of words// O(N) space where N is the total number of letters in the dictionary to form trievar findWords = function(board, words) {// Build a trie from the dictionary of wordsconst root = { children: {}, word: null };words.forEach((word) => {let currentNode = root;for (let char of word) {// If the character doesn't exist in the trie, we will add a new character node in childrenif (!currentNode.children.hasOwnProperty(char)) {currentNode.children[char] = { children: {}, word: null };}// Move to the character nodecurrentNode = currentNode.children[char];}// After looping through all the characters in the word, we will add the word to mark it as the endcurrentNode.word = word;});const result = [];// Loop through each cell letter in the board and try and find all words from dictionary we can formfor (let row = 0; row < board.length; row++) {for (let col = 0; col < board[0].length; col++) {// If the trie contains a word that starts with the current cell letter, try DFS from that cell to find all possible wordsif (root.children.hasOwnProperty(board[row][col])) {dfs(row, col, board, result, root);}}}return result;};const dfs = (row, col, board, result, root) => {// Get the current letter and corresponding trie nodeconst letter = board[row][col];const currentNode = root.children[letter];// If we're already at a word, we add it to result and unmark the end of word to avoid double adding itif (currentNode.word !== null) {result.push(currentNode.word);currentNode.word = null;}// Mark the current letter as visitedboard[row][col] = '#';// Explore neighbor cells in all directions as long as we're inbounds and the next character exists in the trieconst directions = [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,1],[0,-1]];directions.forEach((direction) => {const [rowOffset, colOffset] = direction;const newRow = row + rowOffset;const newCol = col + colOffset;// If out of bounds, we can't go in this directionif (newRow < 0 || newRow >= board.length || newCol < 0 || newCol >= board[0].length) {return;}// If the next character is in bounds and it exists in the trie, we'll recursively explore this directionif (currentNode.children.hasOwnProperty(board[newRow][newCol])) {dfs(newRow, newCol, board, result, currentNode);}});// Restore the current letter back to its original state after exploring all directionsboard[row][col] = letter;};