/*To virtualize means to convert this<div><h1>hello</h1>there</div>to this{type: 'div',props: {children: [{type: 'h1',props: {children: 'hello'}},'there']}}*/// Recursive approach// Assume only element nodes and text nodes plus attributesfunction virtualize(element) {// Base Cases:// If it's a text node -> nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE or === 3if (element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {// Return textContentreturn element.textContent;// If it's an element node -> nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE or === 1} else if (element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {const children = [];// Recursively push onto children each child node virtualizedfor (let i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {children.push(virtualize(element.childNodes[i]));}// Virtualize the attributes of the element i.e. loop through each attribute; rename attributes like class -> classNameconst attributes = {};for (let { name, value } of element.attributes) {attributes[name === "class" ? "className": name] = value;}// Form the virtualized elementconst virtualizedElement = {// element.tagName.toLowerCase() (cause it would return back like DIV)type: element.tagName.toLowerCase(),props: {// Assign virtualized attributes to props...attributes,// Assign children to props; if length is 1, children will equal that one child virtualized; otherwise, it will be in an arraychildren: children.length === 1 ? children[0]: children}}return virtualizedElement;}}/*To render a virtualized object means to convert this{type: 'div',props: {children: [{type: 'h1',props: {children: 'hello'}},'there']}}to this<div><h1>hello</h1>there</div>*/// Recursive approachfunction render(obj) {// Base Cases// If the object is a stringif (typeof obj === 'string') {// Convert to textNodereturn document.createTextNode(obj);// If the object is an element object} else {const { type, props: { children, ...attributes } } = obj;// Convert to elementNodeconst element = document.createElement(type);// Recursively render the children and append all the children to the parent elementNode// Children could be a single child or within an array if multiple children, so we normalize it all into an array to loop throughconst currentChildren = Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children];currentChildren.forEach((currentChild) => element.append(render(currentChild)));// Add all the attributes to the parent elementNodefor (const [name, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {element.setAttribute(name === "className" ? "class" : name, value);}return element;}}const div = document.createElement("div");const h1 = document.createElement("h1");h1.append("hello");div.append(h1);div.append("there");console.log("Div to virtualize", div.outerHTML);console.log("Virtualized div", virtualize(div));console.log("Rendered", render(virtualize(div)));
/*** @param { string } type - valid HTML tag name* @param { object } [props] - properties.* @param { ...MyNode} [children] - elements as rest arguments* @return { MyElement }*/function createElement(type, props, ...children) {return {type,props: {...props,children,}};}/*** @param { MyElement }* @returns { HTMLElement }*/function render(myElement) {// Base Cases// If the object is a stringif (typeof myElement === 'string') {// Convert to textNodereturn document.createTextNode(myElement);// If the object is an element object} else {const { type, props: { children, ...attributes } } = myElement;// Convert to elementNodeconst element = document.createElement(type);// Recursively render the children and append all the children to the parent elementNode// Children could be a single child or within an array if multiple children, so we normalize it all into an array to loop throughconst currentChildren = Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children];currentChildren.forEach((currentChild) => element.append(render(currentChild)));// Add all the attributes to the parent elementNodefor (const [name, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {element.setAttribute(name === "className" ? "class" : name, value);}return element;}}
/*** MyElement is the type your implementation supports** type MyNode = MyElement | string* type FunctionComponent = (props: object) => MyElement*//*** @param { string | FunctionComponent } type - valid HTML tag name or Function Component* @param { object } [props] - properties.* @param { ...MyNode} [children] - elements as rest arguments* @return { MyElement }*/function createElement(type, props, ...children) {// Functional component like const Container = ({ children, ...res }) => h('div', res, ...children)// We will call the function and pass through the props and children that will eventually return back the virtualized elementif (typeof type === "function") {return type({ ...props, children })}// Normal create element without functional components will create the virtualized element with the props/childrenreturn {type,props: {...props,children,}}}