

// In case of a "storm of events", this executes once every $threshold
// For throttle, we will call the function at most once every wait
function throttle(func, wait) {
// Initialize a timer and keep track of lastArgs
let timeout = null;
let lastArgs = null;
// Return a throttled function
return function throttled(...args) {
// If there is no existing timer, we will call the func already
if (!timeout) {
func.apply(this, args);
} else {
// Otherwise, we set the lastArgs for when the cooldown is over
lastArgs = args;
// In a later function
const later = () => {
// If there are lastArgs, we will call the func, reset last args, and start the cooldown timer again
if (lastArgs) {
func.apply(this, lastArgs);
lastArgs = null;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
} else {
// Otherwise, reset the timeout
timeout = null;
// Assign timeout to setTimeout if there is no timeout
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
const throttledFunc = throttle((message) => { console.log(`Throttled ${message}`) }, 100);
// Should be Throttled 1 (from first call) Throttled 3 (from last call)

Throttle with leading and trailing options


// leading=true means to invoke right away
// trailing= true means to invoke after the delay
// leading=true,trailing=true is basic throttle
// leading=false,trailing=false means to do nothing
function throttle(func, wait, option = {leading: true, trailing: true}) {
// Initialize a timer and keep track of lastArgs
let timeout = null;
let lastArgs = null;
// Return a throttled function
return function throttled(...args) {
// If there is no existing timer and it's leading, we will call the func already
if (!timeout && option.leading) {
func.apply(this, args);
} else {
// Otherwise, we set the lastArgs for when the cooldown is over
lastArgs = args;
// In a later function
const later = () => {
// If there are lastArgs and it's trailing, we will call the func, reset last args, and start the cooldown timer again
if (lastArgs && option.trailing) {
func.apply(this, lastArgs);
lastArgs = null;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
} else {
// Otherwise, reset the timeout
timeout = null;
// Assign timeout to setTimeout if there is no timeout
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);