
* @param {number[]} nums
* @param {number} target
* @return {number}
Recursion Unoptimized Approach:
Can recursively try to add the current number or subtract the current number and check if at the end it reaches the target sum
Since we're making 2 choices every time in the recursive step, this involves O(2^n) time plus the call stack space usage
var findTargetSumWays = function(nums, target) {
function recFindTargetSumWays(currentIndex, currentSum) {
// Base Cases
// Once we hit the end of the array, we check if the currentSum matches with the target
// If it does, we bump the numResultsReachingTarget
if (currentIndex >= nums.length && currentSum === target) {
numResultsReachingTarget += 1;
// Otherwise, we return and don't bump anything
} else if (currentIndex >= nums.length && currentSum !== target) {
// Recursive Step
// Figure out if we can reach the target sum by recursively adding the currentNum or subtracting the currentNum
const currentNum = nums[currentIndex];
recFindTargetSumWays(currentIndex+1, currentSum + currentNum);
recFindTargetSumWays(currentIndex+1, currentSum - currentNum);
let numResultsReachingTarget = 0;
recFindTargetSumWays(0, 0);
return numResultsReachingTarget