// Roman Numerals to Number Conversions// I -> 1// V -> 5// X -> 10// L -> 50// C -> 100// D -> 500// M -> 1000// Test Cases:// Given CXXIII -> 123// D -> 500// XXIX -> 29// XXIV -> 24// MCMXCIX -> 1999// MMMCDXX -> 3420// Assume valid roman numerals are passed through and all uppercase// Approach 1:// Initialize map of roman numerals to number value// Loop through roman numeral string from left to right// Keep track of the currentNumeral vs. nextNumeral// if currentNumeral I is less than the nextNumeral X in XXIX, subtract I value from result// else add currentNumeral value to the result// Approach 2:// Initialize map of roman numerals to number value// Loop through roman numeral string from right to left// Keep track of lastNumeral vs. currentNumeral// if currentNumeral I is less than lastNumeral X in XXIX, subtract I value from result// else add the currentNumeral value to the resultfunction romanToInteger(str) {// Initialize map of roman numerals to number valueconst romanToNumberMap = new Map([['I', 1],['V', 5],['X', 10],['L', 50],['C', 100],['D', 500],['M', 1000]]);let result = 0;// Loop through roman numeral string from left to rightfor (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {// Keep track of the currentNumeral vs. nextNumeralconst currentNumeralValue = romanToNumberMap.get(str[i]);const nextNumeralValue = i + 1 < str.length ? romanToNumberMap.get(str[i+1]) : 0;// if currentNumeralValue such as I is less than the nextNumeralValue such as X in XXIX, subtract I value from resultif (currentNumeralValue < nextNumeralValue) {result -= currentNumeralValue;} else {// Otherwise, we can add the currentNumberalValue to the resultresult += currentNumeralValue;}}return result;}console.log("CXXIII", romanToInteger("CXXIII"));console.log("XXIX", romanToInteger("XXIX"));console.log("XXIV", romanToInteger("XXIV"));console.log("MCMXCIX", romanToInteger("MCMXCIX"));console.log("MMMCDXX", romanToInteger("MMMCDXX"));console.log("D", romanToInteger("D"));
// Test Cases:// 500 -> D// 9 -> IX// 123 -> CXXIII// 1999 -> MCMXCIX// 3420 -> MMMCDXX// Approach:// Initialize a map of roman numeral to number value from greatest to smallest i.e. { M: 1000, CM: 900, D: 500, CD: 400, ... }// Initialize remainingNumber with num to start off with i.e. 123// Initialize result string// Loop through each roman numeral in the map// while the currentNumeralValue is < remainingNumber// we subtract the currentNumeralValue and append the roman numeral to the stringfunction integerToRoman(num) {// Initialize a map of roman numeral to number value from greatest to smallest i.e. { M: 1000, CM: 900, D: 500, CD: 400, ... }const romanToNumberMap = {M: 1000,CM: 900,D: 500,CD: 400,C: 100,XC: 90,L: 50,XL: 40,X: 10,IX: 9,V: 5,IV: 4,I: 1,};// Initialize remainingNumber with num to start off with i.e. 123let remainingNumber = num;// Initialize result stringlet result = '';// Loop through each roman numeral in the mapfor (const [romanNumeral, value] of Object.entries(romanToNumberMap)) {// Keep on subtracting the value from remainingNumber and appending the romanNumeral to the result as long as it's >= remainingNumberwhile (value <= remainingNumber) {remainingNumber -= value;result += romanNumeral;}}return result;}console.log("500", integerToRoman(500));console.log("9", integerToRoman(9));console.log("123", integerToRoman(123));console.log("1999", integerToRoman(1999));console.log("3420", integerToRoman(3420));