
Given a string s, return the length of the longest substring that contains at most two distinct characters.

* @param {string} s
* @return {number}
// O(N) time, O(N) space for the character counts map (can optimize with two pointers instead to be O(1) space)
var lengthOfLongestSubstringTwoDistinct = function(s) {
const charCountMap = new Map();
let maxLength = 0;
let start = 0;
let end = 0;
let currentDistinctChars = 0;
// While the end pointer has not reached the end of the string
while (end < s.length) {
const currentEndChar = s[end];
// Add the current character to the character count map (default to 1 if not yet added)
charCountMap.set(currentEndChar, (charCountMap.get(currentEndChar) ?? 0) + 1);
// If the current character count is 1, increment the number of distinct chars seen in start to end substring
if (charCountMap.get(currentEndChar) === 1) {
currentDistinctChars += 1;
// Move the end pointer forward
end += 1;
// While the number of distinct characters seen so far is greater than 2,
// we need to shrink the sliding window until it's back down to 2 distinct characters seen so far
while (currentDistinctChars > 2) {
const currentStartChar = s[start];
// Decrement the count of the current start character by 1
charCountMap.set(currentStartChar, charCountMap.get(currentStartChar) - 1);
// If the current character count is 0, decrement the number of distinct chars seen in start to end substring
if (charCountMap.get(currentStartChar) === 0) {
currentDistinctChars -= 1;
// Move the start pointer forward
start += 1;
// Update the max length with the greater of the current max length and the end - start substring length
maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, end - start);
return maxLength;