Create an image carousel that cycles through images fetched from an endpoint,, (displaying a new image every 3 seconds), and allows the user to skip to the next/previous image.
Code Pen Example:
/*High-level Approach:1. Fetch image data from endpoint2. Parse out and adapt the data to store the image URLs3. Build the image carousel to load up the current image and keep track of the current image4. Add buttons to the left and to the right for previous and next (style them later as arrows and overlay) - assume going next for the last image loops back around to the first image5. Have the image carousel automatically move to the next image after every 3 seconds; reset the timer whenever we go next/previous as well6. Bonus: Add dots below the carousel to show which image you are currently on; add animations/transitions; fix initial loading/error states*/(async function fetchImages() {try {// 1. Fetch imagesconst response = await fetch("");if (response.ok) {const data = await response.json();console.log("Data", data);// 2. Parse out and adapt data to store image URLsconst images = getImagesFromData(data);console.log("Images", images);let currentImageIndex = 1;const goToNextImage = () => {if (currentImageIndex === images.length - 1) {currentImageIndex = 0;} else {currentImageIndex += 1;}showCurrentImage(currentImageIndex, images);};// 5. Automatically move the carousel to the next image every 3 seconds; we need to make sure we clear and reset the interval whenever we click the next/prev buttonsconst intervalTimeout = 3000;let carouselInterval = setInterval(goToNextImage, intervalTimeout);// 3. Build the image carousel to load up the current image and keep track of the current imageshowCurrentImage(currentImageIndex, images);// 4. Add buttons for next/prev and add event listeners to themdocument.getElementById("carousel-next-button").addEventListener("click",() => {carouselInterval = clearInterval(carouselInterval);goToNextImage();carouselInterval = setInterval(goToNextImage, intervalTimeout);},false);document.getElementById("carousel-prev-button").addEventListener("click", () => {carouselInterval = clearInterval(carouselInterval);if (currentImageIndex === 0) {currentImageIndex = images.length - 1;} else {currentImageIndex -= 1;}showCurrentImage(currentImageIndex, images);carouselInterval = setInterval(goToNextImage, intervalTimeout);});}} catch (e) {console.error("Failed to fetch images for some reason: ", e);}})();const getImagesFromData = (data) => {const images = =>;return images;};const showCurrentImage = (currentImageIndex, images) => {const carousel = document.getElementById("carousel-images");const currentCarouselImage = document.createElement("img");currentCarouselImage.src = images[currentImageIndex];currentCarouselImage.classList.add("carousel-image");if (carousel.firstChild) {carousel.firstChild.remove();}carousel.appendChild(currentCarouselImage);};