Retrieve a list of numbers from an endpoint (, then plot a histogram showing the frequency of each number in the list. The histogram should have appropriately-numbered x and y axes. In the example below, the list contained 24 ones, 17 twos, 30 threes, and so on.
Code Pen Example:
/*High-level overview:1. Fetch the random number data from the endpoint and adapt it to get the frequencies of each number2. Using the number frequencies object, we will render a histogram chart3. We will need to draw the bars, the x axis with labels, and the y axis with labels4. Bonus: Styling and adding tooltip of information on hover of the bars; button to refetch/regenerate data; random bar colors*/(async () => {try {// 1. Fetch the random number data and adapt the response to get the number frequenciesconst response = await fetch("");if (!response.ok) {throw new Error("Failed to fetch numbers for histogram");}const data = await response.text();// Numbers comes back in plain text like 123...const numbers = data.split("");// Count the number of times each number appearsconst numberFrequencies = numbers.reduce((acc, currentNumText) => {if (currentNumText !== "") {const currentNum = parseInt(currentNumText, 10);if (acc.hasOwnProperty(currentNum)) {acc[currentNum] += 1;} else {acc[currentNum] = 1;}}return acc;}, {});// 2. Using the number frequencies, draw the histogram chartconst width = 500;const height = 550;drawHistogram(numberFrequencies, width, height);} catch (err) {console.error(err);}})();function drawHistogram(numberFrequencies, width, height) {console.log("Drawing the histogram naow");// Draw the histogram barsdrawHistogramBars(numberFrequencies, width, height);// Draw the X Axis labelsdrawXAxis(Object.keys(numberFrequencies), width);// Draw the Y Axis labelsdrawYAxis(Object.values(numberFrequencies), height);}function drawHistogramBars(numberFrequencies, width, height) {console.log("Drawing Histogram Bars");const histogramChartBody = document.getElementById("histogram-chart-bars"); = `${height}px`; = `${width}px`;const maxFrequencyYAxisValue = computeMaxFrequencyYAxisValue(Object.values(numberFrequencies));Object.entries(numberFrequencies).forEach(([number, frequency]) => {const histogramBar = document.createElement("div");histogramBar.classList.add("histogram-chart-bar");// Compute bar height based on max frequency rounded to nearest tenconst barHeightPercentage = Math.round((frequency / maxFrequencyYAxisValue) * 100); = `${barHeightPercentage}%`;// Set data-x and data-y attributes for mouseover tooltipshistogramBar.setAttribute("data-x", number);histogramBar.setAttribute("data-y", frequency);histogramChartBody.appendChild(histogramBar);});}function drawXAxis(xAxisLabels, width) {console.log("Drawing X Axis labels", xAxisLabels);const xAxis = document.getElementById("histogram-x-axis"); = `${width}px`;xAxisLabels.forEach((xAxisLabel) => {const labelSpan = document.createElement("span");const labelText = document.createTextNode(xAxisLabel);labelSpan.appendChild(labelText);labelSpan.classList.add("histogram-chart-x-axis-label");xAxis.appendChild(labelSpan);});}function drawYAxis(frequencies, height) {console.log("Drawing Y Axis");const yAxis = document.getElementById("histogram-chart-y-axis"); = `${height}px`;const maxFrequencyYAxisValue = computeMaxFrequencyYAxisValue(frequencies);const yAxisLabels = [];for (let i = maxFrequencyYAxisValue; i > 0; i = i - 10) {yAxisLabels.push(i);}yAxisLabels.forEach((yAxisLabel) => {const labelSpan = document.createElement("span");labelSpan.classList.add("histogram-chart-y-axis-label");const labelText = document.createTextNode(yAxisLabel);labelSpan.appendChild(labelText);yAxis.appendChild(labelSpan);});}function computeMaxFrequencyYAxisValue(frequencies) {const maxFrequency = Math.max(...frequencies);const maxFrequencyYAxisValue = Math.ceil(maxFrequency / 10) * 10;return maxFrequencyYAxisValue;}