Given a tree representing a file/folder structure like in a code editor such as VSCode, render the HTML with simple text based indentations like the following

You may define the tree nodes however you like as long as we have at least the name of the file/folder and some semblance of children to render at another level deeper with proper indentation. Since a root directory can have multiple top level folders/nodes you can also decide how you want to receive the data initially as well.

See codepen:

const buildTreeOutline = (topLevelNodes) => {
Built tree will look like this and return the parent div
<span>* folder1/</span>
<div style="margin-left: 30px;">
<span>* file1.js</span>
<div style="margin-left: 30px;">
<span>* file2.js</span>
<div style="margin-left: 30px;">
<span>* subfolder1/</span>
<div style="margin-left: 30px;">
<span>* subfile.png</span>
const buildTree = (topLevelNode, currentLevel) => {
const parentContainer = document.createElement("div");
if (currentLevel > 0) { = "30px";
const parentName = document.createElement("span");
parentName.innerText = `* ${}`;
// Recursively build the children
const newChildren = =>
buildTree(child, currentLevel + 1)
// For each child, we'll append to the parent container
if (newChildren.length > 0) {
newChildren.forEach((newChild) => parentContainer.appendChild(newChild));
return parentContainer;
// Build each of the top level node trees to append to the body
topLevelNodes.forEach((topLevelNode) =>
document.querySelector("body").appendChild(buildTree(topLevelNode, 0))
// Simply take in a name and children for a TreeNode
// You could expand this with more properties like folder: boolean
class TreeNode {
constructor(name, children = []) { = name;
this.children = children;
Tree will look like this
name: "folder1/",
children: [
name: "file1.js",
children: [],
name: "file2.js",
children: [],
name: "subfolder1/",
children: [
name: "file1.png",
children: []
const topLevelNode1 = new TreeNode("folder1/");
topLevelNode1.children.push(new TreeNode("file1.js"));
topLevelNode1.children.push(new TreeNode("file2.js"));
topLevelNode1.children.push(new TreeNode("subfolder1/", [new TreeNode("subfile.png")]));
const topLevelNode2 = new TreeNode("folder2/");
topLevelNode2.children.push(new TreeNode("file3.js"));
topLevelNode2.children.push(new TreeNode("file4.js"));
const topLevelNodes = [topLevelNode1, topLevelNode2];